Friday, March 16, 2018

Week Eleven: Modern Romance

Another winner, easy to read and mostly digestible without leaving a bad taste in your mouth. Most 'relationship' books fall into one of three categories: Funny (and can't be taken seriously), Academic (and dry and divorced from actuality) or opinionated claptrap selling a franchise of ideas as a silver bullet once you accept the authors patented approach to it all.

Modern Romance is the only one (I've read) I can recall that is both of the first two in that list but with none of the third.

Funny and erudite, it does a lot to fill in the gaps on human behaviour while backing it up statistically and anecdotally with real world examples. Mostly drawn from his time on the road talking to the wider, younger public (who go to his shows, so that demographic anyway).

Another highly recommended read.

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