Week twenty seven and into the second half the year with a light weight science and history book which details how the big three of Porn, War and Food made waves, created innovation and generally re-purposed a whole bunch of stuff that became a bunch of whole other stuff. Some of this I knew, DARPA and the ARPA Net - which is how the internet was born, and microwaves came from RADAR etc...
There's also a bunch of stuff I didn't know, like how Barbie was based on a German sex toy, Playboy centerfold Lena was the test subject for JPEG and GIF type file format engineering and plenty of other interesting facts.
The book is essentially a bunch of interesting facts but lacked a single coherent narrative to join it all together except the recurrance of the big three - which is not much of a theme.
Next week I might talk about Kelvin, because we need to...
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