What's Mine is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption by Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers. This is another book on the effect and structure of networks, where the nodes are people. The specific thing about this being that the new pattern being predicted is sharing over ownership.
This is not a manifesto for communal ownership or commune style living. Nor is it Communism. This is a thoughtful look at consumption, driven by green ideals and finding a way through lifestyle without waste. Trying to redress the balance in favour of consumption versus cost.
Loads of ideas, most of which are predictive and reflective - but it's a guess at what happens next. Driving the idea of un-consumption by foucssing on the need rather than the solution or the need to own the solution. Ideas in play for centuries coming back into vogue like shared land and shared knowledge and experience.
Fascinating that on average Power tools are used in their lifespan by American consumers by only something like 8 to 15 minutes, but in reality what you need is a hole, not a drill. Very Zen.
Next week - don't know - but I'll share this book anyway - it seems fitting.