Cows by Matthew Stokoe is now the third book of Matt's I have read, but the first published. Also the second book in this blog series, the other one the excellent Empty Mile way back in week 2.
Cows is brilliantly written and has a lyrical and literary feel to the language that I truly envy.
It's pretty disturbing, like a fairytale it's full of metaphor and imagery and littered with brutality and deliberate shocks.
Would I recommend it? For the strong stomached and strong hearted person who is looking for a well written and incisive dip into the cesspool that is capability but not reality.
Matt has a following it seems of people who like it for the violence and for the shocks and the out and out one-upmanship of the gore and depravity.
It would be a shame if this is the only thing they take away from it, because it is beautifully surreal and well written.
But not for many people, and my reprint edition came autographed by the author and contained a warning "wait til you get a load of this".
Matt. You were right.
Next Week: I've already started on "How to Win a Cosmic War, by Reza Aslan".